First Christian Church Edwardsville IL

To be a faithful, growing church, that demonstrates true community, deep Christian spirituality and a passion for justice. (Micah 6:8)

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

10 Year Anniversary

10 years

June 2011 marks the 10 year anniversary of my ministry at First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Edwardsville, Illinois. I know this because my son was born three days after my first sermon. He turns 10 on Monday.

It has been a joy that I am able to raise my son in the same church such a length of time. It is not as common as many would hope for the children of ministers. I can see the benefits as tonight he and I walked on the newly paved church parking lot, paid for in part with money that my son is donating to the capital campaign. His pledge was not the largest received by the church. However his fulfillment of that pledge is shaping his life.

Since entering ministry, I have wanted to serve in a long-term situation of service. It has been a belief of mine that long-term ministry is most healthy for congregations and ministers. My experience with the wonderful people who participate with our congregation has confirmed my wish and hope.

We have accomplished amazing things with the help of God. Some achievements were goals we explicitly worked toward. Others were serendipitous experiences of God’s grace and blessing. Many could not have been celebrated without a long term relationship of God, minister and congregation.

I might say the key to success has been the trust and confidence, knowledge and love that has been uniquely shared over 10 years. While that is in part true, there is something more. Understand that not all 120 months have been a bed of roses. Along the way the congregation and I have at times leaned more heavily upon the other or possibly disappointed the other. That is the reality of human relationships. Sometimes we simply enjoyed seasons of rest. Even God has taken a turn or two at stirring us from the compliancy of familiarity. The “more than” which I will and do forever cherish is that our relationship has continued to grow, continued to remain in dialogue, continued to share ministry. We continually find moments of celebration that God has blessed us with vibrant ministry and vital relationships of faith.

I know of congregations and clergy who do not enjoy this quality or quantity of relationship. The negative impact upon ministry is disheartening. I wish for them what I enjoy here, a context of ministry that continues to provide challenges and room for growth - for myself and all who participate in our community of faith. The results are a deepening love for God, neighbor and self.

I thought I would celebrate this anniversary with a listing of accomplishments but that seems rather prideful or at least out of place. I wondered about listing the folks who have meant so much along the journey such as members and participants, student ministers and colleagues, mentors and my family. Alas I fear I would forget a name and they all deserve my gratitude and love.

I prefer to look ahead. To a future of continuing to be unsatisfied with our service to God’s people, to a tomorrow of continuing relationships of share ministry, and to an openness to the movement of God’s Spirit and to those we have yet to share ministry.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Parenting and Luke 14:1, 7-14

Musing on Parenting and Luke 14:1, 7-14

I hope that you will take the opportunity to read Luke 14:1, 7-14. Jesus is teaching at a meal where he is guest. He tells the other guests to stop chasing the best seat. If you sit in the best seat, you run the risk of being demoted by the host to a lesser seat. How embarrassing. If you sit in the lowest seat, the odds are that your host will promote you to a better seat. How awesome you will look to the others as the host leads you to a better place. Jesus then summarizes that the exalted will be humbled and the humble will be exalted. I’ve heard this teaching before, and so may you. This teaching also resonates well with my experience of the world.

Then Jesus turns to the host. Jesus says that the host should invite people who cannot repay. The host should invite the marginalized, oppressed, avoided, disgarded because they are unable to return the favor of the invitation. In this way, the host will be repaid in Heaven for what he / she was not repaid on earth.

I love the distinction between the things of earth and the things of heaven. Remember the teaching about storing up treasure that will not rust? This teaching may not appear in many self-help books about climbing the ladder of corporate success. However, it is a lesson that the faithful and the curious have heard before.

Parenting - this teaching of Jesus gets very rewarding when I apply it to parenting.

If you are, have been, or look forward to being a parent, you may share this motivation with me. We want the best for our children. We want the best school, church, community, friends, etc. This motivation may even lead us to building lists. The list of friends we want our child to play. The list of friends we hope they never meet.

Jesus says we should invite the marginalized, oppressed, avoided, disgarded because they are unable to return the favor of the invitation. If we value Jesus’ teaching about storing up treasure that will not rust, do we dare teach it to our children? More than storing up treasure that does not rust, what of our base responsibility to our neighbor? Do we dare teach that responsibility to our children?

Of course we do. Each time we give our children the opportunity to serve at a soup kitchen, deliver meals on wheels, sow a blanket for Project Night Night, bring school donations for the local pantry - we help them build a relationship with those who cannot repay.

There is nothing wrong with wanting the best for our children. It is good parenting to want more for our children than we have ourselves. The most faithful parents understand that serving those who cannot repay is critical for giving our children more than we can given them on our own. These relationships transformation our children. It is a powerful way of passing on the faith.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Musing on a Query


Sometimes, as I am preaching, in the back of my brain a question or query arises. Most recently this occurred while I was preaching from the book of Jeremiah. I was making a point that the people of God incorrectly assumed they were safe because the lived in Jerusalem with the temple of God. I attempted to articulate the foolishness of assuming that because of our being “children of God” or our saying the right prayer at the right time, or our having the right prayer button to push we could make God protect us. God is out of our control. Our prayer beads, preferred biblical translations, politically correct (or incorrect) sayings, even our right thinking, right behaving ways are helpless to control God in any fashion. How often did the disciples and others attempt to advise Jesus only to watch Jesus do what Jesus chose to do?

Before I share the query of the back of my brain, I want to raise an advantage of accepting that God is out of our control. When our prayers go seemingly unanswered, we are not disappointed. When God shows up unexpectedly, even unwanted, we are less frustrated. When God remains silent, we are tempted to speak less and listen more. And ultimately and possibly, we might allow ourselves the humility more befitting of our created status.

The query that rose in the back of my brain was the power of the right prayer button, preferred biblical translation, correct spiritual practice? If not to control God, what value is there to these practices passed down over the ages? In truth, the query rose with the words, why am I preaching so negatively when so much possibility and hope exists?

If God is out of our control and so much of creation is out of our control, what is in our control? Before you suggest the possible use of prophetic judgement to control the other people in your pew, let us jump to the obvious. We have more control over ourselves than anyone or anything else. Honestly, we are not in control of ourselves as much as we think. However, we can be more positively in control. Even more, I suggest that we can be even more free and powerful.

Spiritual practices prepare us to relate to that which we do not control. Spiritual disciplines help us to face the seeming chaos about us. Saying the right prayer at the right time does not control God but it does focus our soul upon the One we seek. There is so much freedom and power to such living. A simple example is the practice of bowing our heads and folding our hands in prayer. This simple practice avoids distraction, positions us for humility, and focuses our thoughts. Imagine the joy as you engage more complex and rich spiritual disciplines.

So many children love ketchup and mac-n-cheese. I’ve seen them mixed to the delight of the youthful grazer. We raise our children to enjoy a balanced diet, a more complex and rich diet. So should we grow to enjoy and to embrace a more complex and rich spiritual practice. How happy a life that tastes the full menu of spiritual experience!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mary Changed Me

Mary wanted my counsel. Her name is not Mary, really, and she is not a member of my church. She had a problem and she wanted to know how a Christian should respond to the problem. She is a Christian, a heartfelt sort. With much intent, she sought my counsel.

Her intent, preparation, was what struck me first. Well that and her soft spoken nature that compelled the listener to pay attention to her words. Words she shared carefully. In advance of our meeting, she had spent time in prayer asking God to give her the right words to say in our meeting so as not to waste my time. Not only did she explain this to me, she started our meeting with prayer.

She was seeking my counsel. She did not ask me to pray for her. She prayed for us.

She had written out her worry. In a matter of minutes she had shared with clarity her worry and aptly named the question. I will not delve into the details of her situation or her problem. Suffice to say that her question was: “How was she as a Christian suppose to respond to this problem?” She shared this question and the problem with as much passion as clarity.

I tried to be as clear and concise as she. I told her that she was already doing exactly what a Christian would do in her situation. I encouraged her prayer life and her witness of God’s love to those in the situation. Affirming her previous actions to be safe, I reminded her to remain safe.

As if to make certain she had heard me correctly, she repeated my advice back to me. Then she added, in a way that was both question and wonderment, that God wanted her to be in that situation for a purpose. Her addition to my “counsel” sounded like a forgone conclusion she shared with me having known it before arriving in my office.

True to her word, she was in my office less than half and hour. She was as prepared for her departure as she had been for her arrival in my office. She changed me.

I say that she changed me because she did. My encounter with her impacted me. And the funny thing is that I knew it would before it did.

I knew what was about to happen was what should happen. I did not necessarily want it to happen because I had other things I wanted to happen. The other things were more “productive” according to my list of daily goals. Those things were definitely more easy to engage. Those things were in my control, supposedly. Yet I knew I had to do this thing. And in my soul I knew that it was exactly the right thing at exactly the right time and I also knew that I was going to benefit more than the Mary who was seeking my help.

I’m not certain how I knew. When my Administrative Assistant announced who was waiting to see me and that my counsel was requested, I knew it in my soul as certainly as I knew my face in a mirror. This was not the typical story of life interrupted with the “thing” you needed rather than the thing you “wanted.”

I knew the typical story was about to happen before it happened. The benefit of knowing such was being filled with a peace to do well what was needed. As carefully Mary shared her problem and question, I listened. As clearly she shared, I responded. When she began to pray for us, it felt most natural to me. When I might have felt bound to control, I let loose. When I might have felt necessary to use many words to justify or add weight to the counsel she sought, I spoke sparingly. She left with what she seemed to need.

I take no credit for this. It was completely God’s Spirit on the move. I am ashamed to conjecture what my decision may have been without God’s Spirit rushing in to my soul as it did. I might have asked Mary to make an appointment. I might have presented body language that repelled rather than received.

I take no credit for this. I share this because God showed up in my life this week. God used Mary to impact my life.

Mary came back to my office the next day. She wanted me to know that she had followed my counsel. She wanted me to know that her question was answered and the problem resolving. She wanted me to know the God was good.

I already knew. I knew because she showed up the day before. I knew because God told me.

I hope similar for you, child of God.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day and Love Relationships

Reflection: on 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

by Dr. James R. Brooks May 10, 2010

“Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”

So often our relationships are impacted greatly by our emotions. You may have heard the term, “Kick the cat” to sum up the effect of a boss who is angry yelling at an employee who comes home to yell at their spouse who yells at their child who yells at their dog who yells at the cat. Having an emotion usually is not a choice. That we have an emotional response to something or to someone often may not be our choice. How we act upon that emotional response can be our choice. If we encourage that emotional response within ourself can be our choice.

Mother’s Day is a celebration of a relationship sometimes fraught with emotional experience. In our best vision, the parent / child relationship is not dominated by emotional response. In our great desire, within the love relationship we share something more than emotional reactions.

In last Sunday’s sermon, I focused upon the last four phrases of this piece of scripture. The main point I wanted to make in the sermon was that love relationships (typified by the stereotype of Mother’s Day) are relationships wherein we are more fulfilled by witnessing joy in the other (our children, spouse, etc) than in the other making us happy. It is a type of relationship modeled by Jesus.

That being said, Love bears all things daily. In the daily grind of life, love bears all that occurs. Regardless of our mood, the weather, the stock market, all the outside and inside forces; we love the other. Our love for the thou is not dependent upon our waking on the right side of the bed or the perfection of thy outfit when leaving for school. Imagine the trust we endear in thy life when our love bears all things - the foibles and failures, success and satisfactions - daily.

Love believes all things is the powerful indwelling of confidence in thee. Not that we would by necessity believe every word spoken or deed performed. Rather love believes in the person as a child of God. Regardless of what thou hast done, those who love believe in thee. Ever found yourself saying, “I can’t believe you just _______?” In spite of that comment, love believes in the person as a creation of God. Imagine the confidence instilled in the recipient of that love.

My extended family hoped my generation would go to college. A very loving hope based upon a desire that my generation would have a better life. This hope was expressed in each celebration of a high school graduation and the addition of the graduates picture to a collection of other graduates in the family. Even more, this hope was expressed in the sacrifice of resources to pay tuition, housing, etc. Love hopes all things with a willingness to sacrifice so that thy will realize the hope, experience that which is hoped, achieve the goal. Love hopes all things with a willingness to set aside our hope for the hope thou hast claimed.

The women who were at the cross when Jesus died, they endured all things. Love endures all things because of the promise to never abandon thee. Thou are loved so deeply as to never experience the absence or rejection once experience by our Lord, Jesus. Imagine the confidence to reach for that which is hoped when knowing thou will never be abandoned! To endure is not to accept. Love never accepts injustice done to thee. However, love endures all things done to or by thee. Nothing can separate those who love this way.

These loving relationships are not about sparing the rod and spoiling thee. Rather they are based upon the love given by God to all God’s children. All who draw breath are loved so by God through Jesus Christ and sustained by the Holy Spirit.

I am blessed to have learned much of human behavior through my studies in psychology, anthropology, sociology, history, etc. Humanity has such a wealth of knowledge that if applied would foster more meaningful and healthful relationships. Yet the love relationship described by 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 and reflected upon by me is only made possible when built upon the foundation of God’s love. I know of no other way to approach such a loving relationship. Thankfully, the foundation of God’s love is available to us all each day in a diversity of ways.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Sunday Coming, October 6th

Sunday’s Coming . . .
October 6, 2005
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Edwardsville, Illinois
Rev. James R. Brooks, Lead Minister

“When the people realized that Moses was taking forever in coming down off the mountain, they rallied around Aaron and said, "Do something. Make gods for us who will lead us. That Moses, the man who got us out of Egypt--who knows what's happened to him?" (Exodus 32:1 from The Message)

There is a movement in Edwardsville (where I live) to make our downtown a historic landmark with a national registry. I do not know much about this effort. I do know that we have some interesting architecture. We are the 3rd oldest town in Illinois. We have buildings dating into the 1800s. I love history.

So I love to look at a building, especially a building that has some history to it, and imagine what it was like back in the day. I remember being in Boston and walking the wood planked floors where some of the great minds of our founding ancestors walked. I would pause and let my eye examine every nook and cranny wondering what Franklin, or Madison, or Jefferson or the others were doing on this or that spot.

There is something about a building that comforts and inspires us. Think of the photos you saw of the area affected by Hurricane Katrina and Rita – buildings that survived or not. Oh there are people who suffer – the human-interest story – but we all want to know if that building made it because deep inside we wonder if our shelter would survive. We are depending upon our shelter to protect us from the elements – so we stay glued to Headline News so we can compare our shelter to the other shelters.

The people of God were traveling from captivity to the Promised Land. Moses, their leader, was up on the mountain with God for a long time. The people grew restless, maybe even worried. So they asked for a shelter to protect them. They made a golden calf and called it “god.” They sacrificed stuff to it. Having a completed “thing” that was concrete and visible to worship was comforting.

Sunday in worship we will deal with that. Today, I am reminded of something related….
Spin your outlook from “us looking at creation” to “God creating us”

“Sculpture is considered the finest art form because it mimics divine creation: The sculptural image is found within the block of stone much as the human soul is found within the physical body.”

The above quote is from an article about the statue of David by Michelangelo.

Is the statue of David by Michelangelo more beautiful in its completed stage or when it is the block of marble?

What is so beautiful about creation? Is creation beautiful because it is a “finished product” or because of its potential for yet even greater beauty?

I love landscape projects more than “house” projects because landscape projects are ever full of potential for more beauty. Plant an annual and it is gone with winter. Plant a perennial and its beauty changes over the years – like the lilac sprouts my Mamaw gave me or the old fashion rose that has been passed down in my family from my great – great – great father’s childhood homestead.

So who are you? Are you a finished project or a part of God’s creation with potential yet discovered? What is more beautiful about you? The finished bits or the yet to be developed bits?

Sunday is on the way – lets go to God (rather than the calf) for a sign…

So – I’ll see you … Because – Sunday’s Coming . . .

Kids Respond to Hurricanes
Want to help your child(ren) respond to the recent hurricanes? We are still accepting boxes to be sent to the affect areas. If your child brings a box this Sunday (10/9/05) we will get to those who suffer form the hurricanes. Here is a link to the sheet that lists the items needed….

Yoga on Thursdays
Paula Beals is leading a yoga group on Thursdays at 7:00pm and you are invited. They are meeting on the lower level of First Christian Church in Edwardsville, IL.

Polar Star: Christian Unity
Taught by Rev. James Brooks
Why are there so many different churches? Did you know that one of the Disciple founders actually signed a “Last Will and Testament” declaring some churches dissolved into the universal church? A six week study of the roots of Christian Unity in our Disciples’ tradition. Participants will be introduced to a bit of history, to some themes that unite and divide, and our current efforts toward Christian unity. This course will be offered twice weekly to accommodate as many as possible. This course will be held on Thursday of October 6, 13, 20, 27 and November 3, 10. The same material will be covered at a 12:00pm brown bag lunch and again at 7:00pm, with each session lasting approximately one hour. For more information: 618-656-7498 or

Thursday Childcare – need it? Let me know.

Advent Study: The Art of Preparation
Lead by Rev. James Brooks
How do we prepare for an event as awesome as Christmas? This four week study will not be a lecture. There will be projects, explorations, and discovers. Rev. Brooks will serve as guide while participants prepare for Christmas through a multi-sensory approach. This study will meet on Thursdays (December 1, 8, 15, 22) at 12:00pm and again with the same material at 7:00pm with each session lasting approximately one hour. There is a limit of 12 participants per session with registration required. If necessary, additional sessions will be added. For more information & registration: 618-656-7498 or

Youth Group Lock-In
Starts at 7:00pm on Friday, October 21st
Ends at 10:30am on Saturday, October 22nd
Questions? Contact Deanna White ( or 314-918-2790)

Boomer Event
Friday, October 21st @ 7:00pm
Questions? Contact Joanne and Rich Kelley – 288-4909

Remember, Sunday’s Coming . . . looking forward to worshiping with you!

Sharing the Faith,

Rev. James R. Brooks, Lead Minister

(Feel free to forward “Sunday’s Coming . . .” to those you believe would enjoy it. If this message was forwarded to you and you wish to receive it as part of the list, please send a note to If you wish to be deleted from the list, please send a note to “Sunday’s Coming . . .” is a communication to more than 225 members and friends of First Christian Church in Edwardsville, IL.)

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Sunday Coming, September 30th

Sunday’s Coming . . .
September 30, 2005
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Edwardsville, Illinois
Rev. James R. Brooks, Lead Minister

“Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.”
(Philippians 4:6-7 from The Message)

Remember Archie Bunker (All In The Family)? Was he a grouch or what? Funny to watch, but could you live with him?
Remember Al Bundy (Married With Children)? How about that favorite - Homer Simpson (The Simpsons)?
What shaped those men? I’m talking about their pudgy middles? If we wanted to talk body type, we would contrast these three men to sports figures like Tiger Woods, Lance Armstrong and Ben Roethlisberger (go Steelers).
Instead, contrast our three fictional characters to the author of today’s Bible verses. Here are three quick lessons I learn from Paul and this verse…
1. Being shaped is a community experience. We do not live in a vacuum. Paul is writing this letter to brothers and sisters of faith (a Christian community). Paul’s faith journey (life-long shaping experience) was shared with Christian community. Our community / culture is going to shape us, one way or another. The community you choose will shape you.
2. Being shaped is a continuim from total make over to laying a one brick at a time. Paul was completely remain on the Damscus road when God confronting Paul – changed Paul from being one who persecuted the church to one who lead the church. From to worry to praise is total makeover. And – Paul is encouraging us to do it daily, one brick at a time, one prayer at a time.
3. Being shaped is best done by God. There are days like today when the sky is blue and the sun bright and it is easy to praise God. When the clouds are dark and the day is bleak, who has the power to shape us well – to handle crisis, or doubt, or worry?

I like what Paul write in these verses because it is more than “Don’t worry be happy.” Paul acknowledges that we do have real worries. Paul provides a real response to our very real need.

How about going to church this Sunday and getting shaped?

So – I’ll see you … Because – Sunday’s Coming . . .

Yoga on Thursdays
Paula Beals is leading a yoga group on Thursdays at 7:00pm and you are invited. They are meeting on the lower level of First Christian Church in Edwardsville, IL.

Polar Star: Christian Unity
Taught by Rev. James Brooks
Why are there so many different churches? Did you know that one of the Disciple founders actually signed a “Last Will and Testament” declaring some churches dissolved into the universal church? A six week study of the roots of Christian Unity in our Disciples’ tradition. Participants will be introduced to a bit of history, to some themes that unite and divide, and our current efforts toward Christian unity. This course will be offered twice weekly to accommodate as many as possible. This course will be held on Thursday of October 6, 13, 20, 27 and November 3, 10. The same material will be covered at a 12:00pm brown bag lunch and again at 7:00pm, with each session lasting approximately one hour. For more information: 618-656-7498 or

Advent Study: The Art of Preparation
Lead by Rev. James Brooks
How do we prepare for an event as awesome as Christmas? This four week study will not be a lecture. There will be projects, explorations, and discovers. Rev. Brooks will serve as guide while participants prepare for Christmas through a multi-sensory approach. This study will meet on Thursdays (December 1, 8, 15, 22) at 12:00pm and again with the same material at 7:00pm with each session lasting approximately one hour. There is a limit of 12 participants per session with registration required. If necessary, additional sessions will be added. For more information & registration: 618-656-7498 or

Youth Group Lock-In
Starts at 7:00pm on Friday, October 21st
Ends at 10:30am on Saturday, October 22nd
Questions? Contact Deanna White ( or 314-918-2790)

Boomer Event
Friday, October 28th @ 7:00pm
Questions? Contact Joanne and Rich Kelley – 288-4909

Remember, Sunday’s Coming . . . looking forward to worshiping with you!

Sharing the Faith,

Rev. James R. Brooks, Lead Minister

(Feel free to forward “Sunday’s Coming . . .” to those you believe would enjoy it. If this message was forwarded to you and you wish to receive it as part of the list, please send a note to If you wish to be deleted from the list, please send a note to “Sunday’s Coming . . .” is a communication to more than 225 members and friends of First Christian Church in Edwardsville, IL.)